About Us

Raham Project is a grassroots organisation that began in July 2020 and registered as a Community Interest Company in August 2021.

We are passionate about raising the voice of ethnic communities in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough and across the UK

I’m Faiza Rehman; born and raised in the UK in a tight-knit South Asian family. I am a mother of two young children and a qualified midwife.

In 2020 Raham Project started as a community group; my aim was to support families from diverse ethnic backgrounds. By August 2021 we formally registered as a Community Interest Company.

Raham Project started because of my personal experiences and frustrations as a midwife and then as a new mother. I worked in a system that did not allow me to practice and develop myself in a meaningful way. I could not truly support families, witnessing first-hand disparities and unconscious biases towards people from diverse communities. This affected both service users and colleagues from ethnic communities.

There was an added layer when I became a mother and experienced maternity care myself. I suddenly felt this switch flick…

I could not continue on a conveyor belt and felt I must do something to support our communities and raise these seldom heard voices.  And so, Raham Project was born.

Now we are a diverse team of mothers and birth workers who have a shared passion to stamp out inequality. We work in partnership with our Local Maternity and Neonatal Services (LMNS) and Bardnardos. We are always developing strong relationships with organisations that have a shared vision, and work tirelessly to listen and support ethnic families not only in Peterborough and Cambridgeshire, but across the UK.

We are always ready to engage in conversations with families and organisations, so please reach out and contact us

Our team

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Founder & Managing director

Fazia is a registered Midwife, mum of two and is happily married. Faiza enjoys spending time with her loved ones and is awesome at henna art. She is passionate about all things midwifery and supporting families during the perinatal period. 

Humairah Raham Project Managing Director


Managing director

Humairah is a pharmacist by profession and now a new mum on a journey of growing, learning and becoming a mother. Her family, spirituality and helping people are all things that bring her happiness. 



Project Lead

Lisa-Marie is a mum of two, wife of one and friend of many. She loves spending time outdoors with her family around a fire pit, or in a tent! She is a registered midwife and works closely with Faiza.



Digital Media Consultant

Vanessa is at the forefront of our online creative visuals and infographics. She’s passionate about accessible support and has made it her mission to produce content that diversifies the information that is available online.



peer support coordinator

Sobhia is a mum of two and is passionate about women’s maternity care and perinatal mental health. She dedicates lots of time to supporting organisations and she is the driving force behind Raham Projects’s Support Group for Mums. 

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Community Connector

Shabana is a mother of three beautiful boys. She is an experienced doula and her passion is supporting women during birth and postnatal care. She aids the facilitation of their emotional well being by signposting, sharing useful information and assisting them and their family.


Community Connector

Svati Is a recent community connector, mother of one beautiful boy. She is passionate about women’s maternity care and mental health. She has extensive experience in advocacy of women’s safety.



Project Volunteer

Recent service user, volunteer and steering group member. Denica is a mum of two and amazing wife! She enjoys spending time with her family and anything that allows her to be creative. 



Project Volunteer

Atiya is a recent service user, volunteer and steering group member. 



Project volunteer

Sabrina is a mum of two and an absolute foodie who loves to eat! She is a passionate Early Years Worker who strives to bring out the best in children. 

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volunteer content creator

Sophie is a mother of 5 and an aspiring midwife. She loves to help women and families. Sophie is very spiritual and loves to do angel readings in her spare time, and describes everything else as branching off from there.

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volunteer content creator

Holly is a mum of two beautiful girls who keep her on her toes. She is a registered midwife and a “bit of a geek” who loves anything research related. Holly is into anything Marvel and loves celebrating her husband’s Trinidadian culture, so you will find her taking part in the Notting Hill Carnival every year.

Our aims and vison

and how we achieve them

Safe Space

To create a safe and non-judgemental space for mothers and partners from ethnic communities.


We create digital media content around the perinatal period using key messages and imagery of people representative of ethnic communities.

Support Network

We provide a maternity support network for ethnic mothers and their partners.


We raise awareness of the perinatal period, including a focus on maternal mental wellbeing. We provide cultural awareness training for healthcare professionals.


We help shape local services for the future, based on people's experiences and feedback.


We provide a platform that links families back to their maternity care providers so their care needs are being recognised.

Our achievements

Families that have contacted us about their poor care experiences have been supported through active listening, supported in raising their concerns to their local maternity care provider or linked to other unbiased organisations. Our advocacy has acted as a bridge to allow them to receive the support they require.

We have developed informative and eye-catching digital resources in English and languages such as Mirpuri/Urdu. These infographics have been created using various digital tools. A key focus has been using imagery representative of ethnic people.

This forum is run by mums from ethnic backgrounds for mums of ethnic backgrounds. This is a way to get direct engagement from service users. The group was created in August 2021 and it is growing daily. One of the activities created by mothers in this group is a monthly online “Chai, chat and chill” session where they speak about all aspects of motherhood, sharing their experiences and encouraging other mothers to join in the conversation.

We offer a consistent monthly online session to mothers that wish to join and share their maternity care experiences in a safe and non-judgmental space. Stories are collected with consent anonymously to share with our local Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Integrated Care System as well as to raise the seldom heard voices via our platforms.

Our impact

‘how your money helps’

1 +
Listening events

hearing the voices of black and brown families.


providing clear and representative information

> 250
Mothers in our peer support forum

Who we work with

We work closely with local and national organisations to raise the voice of ethnic families in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. We want to celebrate the partnerships we have created and the organisations that are working tirelessly to make a difference for black and brown families going through their pregnancy and parenting journey. 

Working in partnership with the Local Maternity and Neonatal System (LMNS), we receive funding from the Integrated Care Service (ICS) to gather feedback from diverse communities which directly shapes maternity services at North West Anglia Foundation Trust. Our work aligns closely with the Maternity and Neonatal Voices Partnerships at Peterborough City, Hinchingbrooke and The Rosie (Cambridge) Hospitals. 

We have developed a partnership with Barnardos and CPSL Mind to connect with ethnic communities and co-produce a service that provides support and information through the perinatal period, which will enhance existing midwifery care offered by NWAFT and the ICS. 

The funding we receive is short term but we believe that our work is and will continue to significantly reduce health inequalities. Therefore, it is longer term funding that will make our services sustainable.